Year In Review
- Surpassed our 16th year in business on September 7. We're so grateful and appreciative of our clients, investment partners, and all those who support what we do and how we do it!
- Attended another terrific week of collaboration and learning with my Study Group. This group of 12 advisors from across the U.S. works to mentor one another, continues the never-ending education process within our industry, and provides important lasting & valuable friendships. We met in-person this past July in Philadelphia, after our two previous meetings occurred virtually due to the pandemic.
- Qualified for New York Life's Chairman's Council1, representing the top 3% of roughly 12,000 Agents at New York Life. This was my second Chairman's qualification (I did so in 2017 as well) and something I aim to maintain going forward!
- Qualified for the fourth time as a "Court of the Table" member of The Million Dollar Round Table, The Premier Association of Financial Professionals®.2

Community Support
- Was named Chairman of the Board for the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, which will continue through August 2022.
- Served as Chairman of the 2021 Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic.
- Signed on as a sponsor for the Fort Steuben Summer Concert Series, the Trinity Health System Spring Classic, and the PAACC Women in Leadership luncheon.
- Continued coaching both the Spring and Fall baseball sessions for our son's baseball league.

Personal [John]
- Our son is enjoying 2nd grade and is now 7 years old. He loves school, baseball, fishing and more. We're so thankful for him and sometimes wish time could slow down (since he never does!).
- Erin continues to excel at her real estate work and, more importantly, as a wonderful mother and wife!
- Sadly, we lost my father in January 2021 following some lengthy health issues. He was the best anyone could ever hope for and is greatly missed each and every day. I try my best to make him proud and feel that he's always with me, even now.
Personal [Nicole]
- Had a great summer with the family, spending a lot of time swimming and working on the family farm.
- Hailey is now in preschool and Steve is in 6th grade.
- Will celebrate 10 years at the Steubenville office in April.
Personal [Hallie]
- Welcomed their fourth child, Ethan, in August.
- Enjoyed seeing daughters Cora (10), Maryn (9), and Jolene (7) back out on the field for spring and fall soccer.

Products & Services We Offer
- Retirement planning
- 401(k) consolidation/rollover
- Traditional IRA and Roth IRAs
- College savings and other investment options
- Long-term care insurance
- Life insurance
- Disability Income Insurance